Welcome to the Website of the National Uniform Billing Committee

Your official source for news and information on the NUBC

Our goal is to achieve administrative simplification as outlined in the Heath Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. We actively engage the health care community in the discussion of the issues.

You can access the UB-04 billing information adopted by the NUBC by subscribing to the Official UB-04 Data Specifications Manual. This manual, copyrighted by the American Hospital Association, is the only official source of UB Data. No other publication — governmental or private/commercial — can be considered authoritative.

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UB-04 Licensing

Access the Official UB-04 Data File containing the complete set of codes.

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NUBC Protocol

Includes information on the background of the NUBC, administration of NUBC meetings, methodology for request for changes and more.

Medical Billing News

Content provided by medicalcodingnews.org does not represent the views or opinions of the NUBC or American Hospital Association.

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 Fill out the form below and our team will respond shortly. *The NUBC does not provide advice on claims processing.