UB-04 Licensing

Official UB-04 Data File

What does the Data File consist of?

The UB-04 Data File contains the complete set of NUBC codes. Every code in the range of possible codes is accounted for sequentially. There are no gaps because all used and unused codes are identified.

The file consists of an Excel workbook containing 14 worksheets sorted by data element (Form Locator (FL)):

  • FL 04 - Type of Bill Facility Codes
  • FL 04 - Type of Bill Frequency Codes
  • FL 13 - Admission Hour
  • FL 14 - Priority (Type) of Admission or Visit
  • FL 15 - Point of Origin for Admission or Visit (includes Newborn and Non-newborn)
  • FL 16 - Discharge Hour FL 17 - Patient Discharge Status
  • FL 18-28 - Condition Codes
  • FL 31-34 - Occurrence Codes and Dates
  • FL 35-36 - Occurrence Span Codes and Dates
  • FL 39-41 - Value Codes and Amounts
  • FL 42 - Revenue Codes
  • FL 66 - Diagnosis and Procedure Code Qualifier (ICD Version Indicator)
  • FL 81 - Code-Code Field (for paper UB-04s only)

To license an electronic version of the UB-04 code set for internal use or integration into products and services, contact the Licensing Department at



Frequently Asked Questions



UB-04 Licensing Participants

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