National Uniform Billing Committee (NUBC)/UB-04
The NUBC will hold its next public meeting on April 12th and 13th. A joint meeting with the NUCC also will be held on April 13th.
The details of the following changes are contained in the UB-04 Manual or in the minutes. (Minutes not yet posted are italicized.)
The details of the following changes are contained in the UB-04 Manual or in the minutes. (Minutes not yet posted are italicized.)
The new condition codes are as follows:
The details of the following changes are contained in the UB-04 Manual or in the minutes. (Minutes not yet posted are italicized.)
August 2020 NUBC in-person meeting canceled
NUBC announces new Point of Origin Code for Designated Disaster Alternate Care Sites effective July 1, 2020. Please see the PDF below for more information.