NUBC Announcements

The details of the following changes are contained in the UB-04 Manual or in the minutes. (Minutes not yet posted are italicized.)   
The details of the following changes are contained in the UB-04 Manual or in the minutes. (Minutes not yet posted are italicized.) 
The details of the following changes are contained in the UB-04 Manual or in the minutes. (Minutes not yet posted are italicized.)  
NUBC announces new Point of Origin Code for Designated Disaster Alternate Care Sites effective July 1, 2020. Please see the PDF below for more information.
The NUBC met on March 23rd and issued guidance for properly identifying institutional claims related to COVID 19 treatment.  Additionally, the committee issued guidance on coding for hospitals utilizing off-campus testing locations. (Revised PDF attached, updated April 15, 2020). 
Monday, March 23rd: 1:00 pm CT (Discussion: COVID-19 Codes) Tuesday, April 7th: 10:30 am - 12:00 pm CT   Wednesday, April 8th: 10:00 am - 11:00 am CT Wednesday, April 15th: 10:00 am - 11:00 am CT **Dial-in information will be sent via Outlook**